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VWD had a booth at TxETA last week and got to showcase our new approach to lighting integration, support and training. A huge thank you to anyone who came and visited the booth! There were some long days, and we learned some things for next time:

1) Bring foam or carpet to add as a floor. 10 hours on concrete is a killer on your feet and back

2) Bigger is better! My sign was way too small for the size of my booth. I love the signage next to me from "On the Stage." It's big, clean and bold!

3) Make a checklist of what you brought so you don't leave your computer under the table.

4) Snacks, snack, snacks. When you're solo at your booth, there no time to step away for food!

We loved interacting with directors from all around Texas. It is so encouraging to be in such a large community of kind and talented people! We had our interactive magic sheets and visualizer set up for people to explore and were especially excited to see some up-and-coming designers from various colleges spend quite a bit of time designing their own mini-production.

In addition to having a booth, I was able to host a couple of workshops. The first workshop, titled "OAP Lighting: It doesn't have to be stressful" covered all of the things you can do as a director to make your 1-hour OAP rehearsal as seamless as possible. We also talked about strong design choices to utilize! It was very popular and I got some really good feedback. I'm posting my notes for the slideshow I used below for anyone to use as a resource:

I also hosted a workshop titled "Tech Rehearsal: Don't Hold For Lights" where we discussed ways to prepare and execute a tech rehearsal to minimize the time spent on lighting. Slideshow posted below:

Finally, I presented for the administrators at TTAC to show them how they can best support their directors in maximizing their new lighting technology. This video showcases one way that good preparation and planning can empower directors and students:

We were so fortunate to get this opportunity and we hope we can use our work to empower educators everywhere!

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